Training Up
Our Youth

Training Up Our Youth | Youth Enrichment Programs

Our Motivation:

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

Our programming includes youth enrichment initiatives that build life skills and character as well as foster academic, emotional and social development. Our signature activitities include:

  • Vision Builders Youth Summit
  • High School Spelling Bee
  • Putting Leaning Into Action – College Internship Partnership
Past Projects
  • Hosted a free High School Spelling Bee designed to help youth improve their spelling and reading skills, develop their vocabularies, learn new concepts, enhance oratory and communication skills, and develop social skills. Through the help of Ms. Mary Roberts, 2 retired Brooklyn educators collaborated with the team in developing the Bee. HH awarded over $600 in prizes and money to the participating spellers!