Changing and
Restoring Lives

We can't wait to meet you.


Helping Hands Ministry is a faith-based social ministry of The Temple of Restoration. Its outreach programs focus on finance, family, health and youth enrichment. The ministry addresses the practical and social well-being needs of the community.

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Ministry Team Meetings

1st and 3rd Saturdays


515 Dean Street, Brooklyn, New York 11217


Our ministries address the practical and social well-being needs of the community.

Helping Hands
Ministry Programs

The ministry’s work is designed to minister to the “whole person” by addressing the social well-being needs of the community, in alignment with the evange­lism outreach of TTOR. The HH team compassionate­ly reaches out to people in need and seeks to change lives, empower people, and transform its community. There are six components of the outreach programs. Each component is based on a biblical principle. The ministry demonstrates faith through service to others and doing good works, motivated by each component’s biblical prin­ciple.

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your generosity!

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